lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

My favorite place

Hello dear readers, today I want to tell you my favorite place in my last vacation.

Travel to Panguipulli, region of the rivers in Chile with my boyfriend and friends of my boyfriend. It was a beautiful trip, full of fascinating places, but today I want to talk about my favorite place on this trip, the geometric thermal waters. We went at night, which was great, since the place had a certain mystique.
Geometric termal springs

It had many vegetations, since the thermal source was between mountains. In addition, the place had many pools with different temperatures.
The sky was magnificent. I noticed that all the stars were there and this moment was very special and romantic for me.

For those who want to go to this beautiful place, I tell them that the vast majority of visitors are foreigners and that it is not an economic destination, because if you do not have a car, you should hire a tourist service, but it's worth it. spend that money. I recommend to go Villarrica is not expensive to sleep, there are hot springs nearby, craft fairs and something very important is the possibility of knowing the Mapuche culture

I love the cold, the rain and nature, and the place has all that, a hundred percent recommended.
I remain attentive to your comments and questions

¿God exist?

Resultado de imagen para cristianismo en america latina

I think that the video is very unfair with the Christianity and the figure the God because the faith is much more that believe in a Supreme Being, in his history and his nature of Supreme Being..

I am staunch believers the Christian, but I am not believer in the various institutions that claim to be the voice the god because generally I perceive that the institutions is male chauvinist and the women is in second flat.
In my infancy I studied about the history of God and I know that the existence the God explains the creation the universe and the different made like climate change, war in Middle East and other that is written  in the bible.

The faith is like wifi, it is invisible but
it has the power to connect
you to what you need

One of the assumptions that I believe is the existence the three people, Holy Spirit, Jesus (son) and father (God), who is one person. This is very important because is one the thing that can only be understood if we have faith in God and the faith is irrational, the faith feels and is beautiful. I think the bible was written by people who were inspired by the Holy Spirit and my thought is based on the faith, in nothing else. That is why my different arguments for the existence of god are not rational and can not be understood without faith.

I believe that all beliefs are valid and must be respected as long as they do not violate the free exercise of other religions or beliefs.

My opinion of the facts reported in the video is that they are not believable for me.