lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

My favorite place

Hello dear readers, today I want to tell you my favorite place in my last vacation.

Travel to Panguipulli, region of the rivers in Chile with my boyfriend and friends of my boyfriend. It was a beautiful trip, full of fascinating places, but today I want to talk about my favorite place on this trip, the geometric thermal waters. We went at night, which was great, since the place had a certain mystique.
Geometric termal springs

It had many vegetations, since the thermal source was between mountains. In addition, the place had many pools with different temperatures.
The sky was magnificent. I noticed that all the stars were there and this moment was very special and romantic for me.

For those who want to go to this beautiful place, I tell them that the vast majority of visitors are foreigners and that it is not an economic destination, because if you do not have a car, you should hire a tourist service, but it's worth it. spend that money. I recommend to go Villarrica is not expensive to sleep, there are hot springs nearby, craft fairs and something very important is the possibility of knowing the Mapuche culture

I love the cold, the rain and nature, and the place has all that, a hundred percent recommended.
I remain attentive to your comments and questions

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