miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

The pollution in the ocean

Hello dear readers, today I want to tell you about pollution in the ocean

The pollution in the ocean comes from industrial waste, toxic waste and plastics. These wastes are distributed in the ocean and are expanded by marine currents.
Plastic is a disposable material and its use does not exceed twenty minutes. Plastic bags and bottles are the most widespread marine debris in the world.
Plastic waste accumulates in the marine and terrestrial environment of the whole world, slowly decomposing into small toxic pieces that marine animals can eat and affect the food chain.
Sea turtles confuse plastic bags with jellyfish, jellyfish are the favorite food of turtles.
An evidence of this big problem is that ninety-five percent of birds have plastic in the stomach
Year after year, humans who use thousands of plastic bags, only a small percentage are recycled, while most are in nature where they can survive for thousands of years.
The waste can form true floating dumps. The most famous, known as the "thash vortex", is twice the size of Texas. It is a large landfill generated by marine currents between the islands of Hawaii and the North Pacific. its sad fame has turned it into a tourist destination.

Currently, there is an increase in the number of marine species in extinction due to the fact that all debris affects marine life.
The main problem with this waste is that it is mainly made of plastic, material that is not biodegradable, is not recycled and is not renewable. Continuing to ignore this problem is not an option, it is urgent that we become aware of this. It is essential that governments propose public policies on recycling, ocean conservation and nature in general.

Preuniversitario Victor Jara

Hello dear readers, today I want to tell you about the pre-university Víctor Jara.
I participated in the pre-university Víctor Jara two years ago, first I entered as part of the staff of impressions and now my role is as coordinator of the headquarters of the center of Santiago.
The pre-university was founded in two thousand one and currently has seven sites, so from various points of Santiago students can access a pre-university admission test preparation but from a popular approach. The main objective of this organization is popular education, so in this organization we use as pretext the preparation of the admission test to create critical awareness of the different problems that currently exist, such as Mapuche conflict, pension system, among others. In addition, community is generated, so students are expected to feel that they are part of a family and are more than a number.
I love this project and I hope to continue working from this area to change the reality of the country.
In the pictures I am in different pre-university activities and there are also students

My year studying law

Hello dear readers, today I want to tell you about my experience at the Faculty of Law of the University of Desarrollo

When I finished high school, I wanted to prepare the exam to enter the University of Chile and study law, learn English and work to raise money and travel with my boyfriend, but my plans changed when all my friends entered the university and I received a call from the University of Desarrollo that offers me a great scholarship and that's why I decided to study Law at the University of Desarrollo.

At first I had a lot of prejudice with the people who studied at that university, because I thought they were classics and vain, but when I entered I realized that most people were not prejudiced and very friendly.
My teachers were very different from the ones I have today. My civil law teacher has a cup with Pinochet face and I had coffee every day in her glass, I hated it and many comments from my teachers bothered me, which defined the way to learn the concepts of the subject and there was no opportunity to debate them, that's why the formation of this university did not agree with my ideals.

Another point that made me leave the university was the distance from my house to the university, since it took me about three hours to get to the university, that's why I was exhausted.

In conclusion, I am happy to have changed the university although I learned a lot and eliminated many prejudices on my head

Pd: In the photos I am with my companions  from the University of Desarrollo

My different work experience

Hello dear readers, today I want to write about my different work experience.

My first job was at my grandfather's supermarket, he sells bread made in his bakery and other products. I had fifteen years. My experience was in the summer and it was not nice to attend to people with a lot of heat and sweat, for this and other things, I did not like this job.

My second job was in the municipal pool of San Bernardo, in this work I learned mainly to make hot-dog quickly and I dedicated myself to selling different products, such as water, ice cream and others. I did not like the atmosphere of this work because people who go to the pool are looking to buy alcohol and cigarettes even when they were underage or pregnant and when I denied them these products they were rude and violent.

When I finished high school, I looked for work somewhere else because I wanted to work in Santiago and needed more money. That's why I worked in the perfumes department of Paris Bandera in Dior. I learned more about makeup, skin care and fashion. I loved this job, but the disadvantage is the schedule and the great responsibility of managing the point of sale with eighteen years and without experience. In that same summer, after leaving school, I also worked in a jewelry store although I had fewer responsibilities. I learned that you must be careful with the bosses and their intentions.

After studying for a year at Universidad del Desarrollo, I signed a contract with Dior as a beauty consultant, I had that job for three years, but I could not continue because working and studying were no longer compatible. That is why now I am just studying.