domingo, 30 de junio de 2019

Changes to my Study Programme

Hello people Today I want to write about the changes that would be made in my study program (career)

I study Public Administration at the University of Chile, but before I studied Law at another university and I think that experience helps me to have another perspective.
I think that career is very extended in relation the years because in the carrer have a lot subjects that The teachers repeat many and when I listen the same topic and the evaluations is similar a other  previous years, I think that  the carrer could last four years.

In relation with the  University Installations, I think that is decent, because We have the class rooms, computer rooms but, the building’s temperature is horrible because the building is cold now in winter and I always feel cold when I am in the university also
In relation with use of technology in me career, I think that is insufficient because when I going to work on Public administration I going to need to know different technological tools and during the career I have not learned the different technological tools as excell, stata, SPS and other programmes. The  principall reason is the deficient infrastructure in the University because is  few computers for I can practicce in class so We must learn in other moments and not in class.

The Teaching methods during me career were very different because My teachers has teaching methods very different and the examns was very different so I studied different according the teacher and the class so the teaching methods is very different which it is bad.

I can written more abouth  the changes that could be made in my study program (career) but will be a other opportunity.

Bye people 

jueves, 20 de junio de 2019

The best friend

My bestfriend's name is Constanza Tobar, we met in the first year of University at the Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión Pública. Altough I don't remember exactly the day we met, I do remember that we had and instant chemistry that helped us to build the relationship we have today.  

Since then, we have been bestfriends and I don't regret any moment we had share between us. I love her with all my heart because she has been on my side, supporting me on my good and tough moments, as family or  bad grades. Altough, we think different about some topics like politics or economics, it does not matter because friendship is the first priority of our life. 

The best memory I had about us, is related to Nueva Guanaco's party in 2017 when we had to cook french fries to raise money for this organized group. We did not how to use the electric fryer and the people started to get angry because their were hungry, so we colapsed and escaped to the dance floor, when we danced all night long. 

Besides, I love her family because her mom and sister are so nice to me, and treat me as a member of theirs, so I use to spend 3 days a week on her house, when we used to have pijama party's and watch netflix together. 

This are the reasons why I love been Constanza's bestfriend.  I hope you like it!

sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

Postgraduate Studies

Hi people
How are you? today I want to written about postgraduate studies

If I will study postgraduate in some point in life I would like study about different topic with gender, popular educations, social economy, environment and other topics.

I would like can study this issues an I can ussed for  create public politic relationed with the topic that I studied in specific.

I would like study in other countries like Spain, France and other places because the experience is amazing. I dreams with study different topic in other countrys because I think that the different issues is related with the social context and the culture the country therefore I want to study in other countrys for I understand best the different topics that is complejos.

I would like to study the complete time in other country but also I would like study distance learning in Chile for I can study, work and other activity.

One the my problems with study  postgraduate is the language because I am not talk in English and for I is very difficult listen and understand in English, so for I study in other country I need learn English and for my is very difficult.

Actually I am try to study English for I am going to learn English for travel and study in other country that his languaje is English.

Bye people¡

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019

My future job

Hi people

Today  I am going to write  about my dream job.

I love my profession because I think that public administration is very important to the development of our country in several  areas, that goes from education to social security.

 In my dream job  I start my worday at 10 o'clock in morning because I am not very good waking up so early everyday. The reason why I dont like to get up early, is because during nights I have a lot of energy for read, study, cook and different activities. So, you can think I am like a living owl. 

Besides, I imagine work in one ofice with condicionated air, while I can drink tea all the time , and  be able to wear a lot of formal clothes.

About travelling, I love to visit different places (In an outside of my country) but in my profession this is very difficult, because the Public administrator job, depends of the legislation and government sistem  according the  to each country context. So, a chilean public administrator could not work in USA (for example).

I ten or five years from now,  I imagine myself studying another degree o Master,  because Public administration tends to hire people with especially knowledge about the State. And all of this, would help me, to earn more money to take vacations and buy other things as make up, clothes andcreams the face.

If  I want to ingresed a courses the public politic in focus in education because I want work in this area because I think that educations is the base the society 

Bye people.

The Gilmore girls

 Hi people¡

How are you? today  I want to write about my favorite TV program.

I loved the serie Gilmore girls. This serie has two principal characters Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore.  Lorelai is mother of Rory and the serie begins when Rory is teenage.

The argument principal of the serie is the relation between Lorelai and Rory and the topic more frecuently is familiary relations, love, friends and the scholar  career of Rory.

The principal characters are Luck, the couple of Lorelai, the parenths of Lorelai, the differents couple of Rory, and Paris and Lane  Rory's best friends.

The serie have seven seasons and one spin off, The Gilmore debuted on 2000 and ended in 2007.

My favourite episode is when  Luke organized a party for Rory because she goes to a work reporting on the Barac Obama campaign trail.

The party was a surprise for Rory and she went very excited. 

I loved the Gilmore girls because when I watched them I felt parth the story because in the serie Rory go at school and after  she went the University. I feel identificate whith different situations that I lived in my adolescence and situations that I life now.

Bye people. 

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019

Radio uno

Hi people¡¡

How are you ? I today want to write about my experience when I went the concert of the "Radio uno". The "radio uno" was dedicated the sintonize only Chilean music because in Chile the chilean music not is valued in compared with music the other countrys so the "Radio uno" was born for combat that situation.

I went to concert with my friends when I was in the school and We bought tickets in positions of the court and I could see to different artist in first line.

I do not remember the date exact the concert but I remember the was in the 2014 and the concert was in the Movistar Arena.

I not found photos the concert or the imagen with the artists but I remember that I saw a different artist like Gepe, Chancho en Piedra, Nicole, Nano Stern, Los Vasquez and other artist because in this concert were more artist.

This concert is one of my best memories in relation to the concerts because I went with my friends, I sang and I jumped with different musical styles because the Chilean music has something for everyone and I want to listen and know the different styles of music and in the concert I could do it .

Bye people.

martes, 30 de abril de 2019

paulo freire

Hello people!

Today I want to write about my favourite person in the education area because I think that the education is very importan for the societhy, thi person is Paulo Freire.

Paulo Freire is the founder of the critic pedagogy and popular educations and I admire the critic pedagogy and popular educations because in the present time it is difficult that the critic pedagogy and popular educations in the educations organizations is present.

Paulo Freire was born in Brasil in 1921, he studied philosophy and psychology in the Recife University in Brasil. Paulo Freire did not have money in his childhood  so in the initiation his life, for Paulo Freire the poverty is important because Paulo Freire saw the limitations in the different aspects the life that produced the poverty.

Paulo Freire states that the educations is a tool for the social change because the education is part the life of  the persons and the education is trascendental in the formation, beyond the formal education but that in the social, emotional and in the training the critical conscience. The critical conscience is very important for  the person to have the capacity to think in the different situations and the different political events as the environmental crisis, corruption and other situations.

I would have liked to meet him

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

Post 1

Hello everyone!
Today I want to talk about a very interesting topic, a country I would like to visit.

I want to know different countries and I can not decide for one country, but I dream to know India because India has different things, people and places that I want to know and its culture is very different compared to the Chilean culture.The buddhism is the religion that I want to know in India because the buddhism was born in India, in this country there are many Budisth temples.The Indian culture is male chauvinist and this country is dangerous for me because I am a woman and in India the women are exposed to more danger even though this happens in all world 

The food in India is exotic compared to Chile, and the hygiene conditions is very different to my cotidians life so I thinks that would dificultt my travel to India.I hope someday go to India

Bye people

martes, 2 de abril de 2019

My name is Victoria Ancatripai Bravo and I have different expectations regarding the English  class because English is one weaknes for me. I feel  shane when talking in English because my pronunciations is very bad but when I read in English I can understand the general idea of the text, even though I think that I must study more vocabulary and English grammar to be able to learn English I must  memorice the verbs in their diferent tenses.